Allies for Minorities and Women in Science and Engineering (AM_WISE)
Allies for Minorities and Women in Science and Engineering (AM_WISE) strives to better the working environment for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in UNC STEM departments. AM_WISE will always take action on behalf of the STEM scientists within the graduate school to 1) advocate for their protection as researchers for the school and 2) empower them as a community to speak up for themselves and to lift up the voices of their peers 3) prepare them to embody this mission in future careers as they become formidable leaders in a world of diversifying science and scientists.
Association for Women Faculty and Professionals (AWFP)
The Association for Women Faculty and Professionals at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill offers women faculty and professionals with opportunities for fun, networking and learning through social activities, seminars, discussion groups and other events.
Black Graduate and Professional Student Association (BGPSA)
The Black Graduate and Professional Student Association was founded to acknowledge and address the concerns and needs of African American graduate students at UNC-Chapel Hill. The membership strives to unite as leaders of the Black/African-American community and society through scholarship, social interaction, and service.
Carolina Black Caucus (CBC)
The Carolina Black Caucus is comprised of administrators, faculty, staff, and graduate students that share their gifts and talents at UNC-Chapel Hill. The CBC’s vision is a university community that consistently and enthusiastically fosters, supports and celebrates the achievement of Black employees at Carolina.
First Nations Graduate Circle (FNGC)
FNGC is an organization for American Indian graduate and professional students and for graduate and professional students whose areas of focus are relevant to American Indian communities and seeks to support and enhance the educational climate for these students.
Friendship Association of Chinese Students and Scholars (FACSS)
The University of North Carolina Chinese Students and Scholars Association (hereinafter referred to as the Student Union) provides a full range of services and support for more than 1,000 Chinese students, scholars, and faculty members. Chinese community.
Mi Pueblo
Mi Pueblo seeks to sponsor awareness around Latinx issues, culture, and heritage at UNC and the surrounding community, as well as provide a supportive and welcoming environment for all students. We hope to promote tolerance, multiculturalism, community, and support of one another.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
SACNAS is a national society of scientists dedicated to fostering the success of Chicano/Hispanic and Native American scientists to attain advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in science. Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to join the UNC Chapter to learn about STEM careers, professional development opportunities, participate in lunch and learn discussions, and get involved with community outreach.
Society for Black Biomedical Scientists (SBBS)
We strive to create a network for Black biomedical scientists to thrive by making members and non-members feel a part of an inclusive community. We firmly believe this organization aids those who want to be innovators and leaders in the biomedical field. Although we are a UNC affiliated organization we are looking to expand our mission beyond this institution to all corners of the country so we may reach those who need this community most.
Women in Science (WinS)
Women in Sciences (WinS) is a student-led organization that aims to address gender disparities in STEM. As an on-campus group, WinS offers a platform to directly reach scientists in training at UNC Chapel Hill to facilitate their professional development and provide a community of support.
Womxn of Worth (W) Initiative
The Womxn of Worth (W) Initiative at UNC Chapel Hill strives to create a positive network and sense of community for self-identified womxn of color. The initiative aims to empower UNC womxn to define their own sense of worth so that they may thrive and positively impact each other and the community.