Time Commitment: 6-9 hr/wk per officer
Number of officers: 2
- Apply for organization status through UNC HeelLife system, maintain roster, and abide by the constitution
- Organize monthly BSA executive meetings and go through agenda items
- Promote BSA through student organization fairs and BIOS student listserv
- Present at orientation day and to faculty at departmental meetings
- Delegate tasks to appropriate offices/officers
- Oversee:
- BSA office/officer placement matching algorithm, especially if more students are interested than there are open offices
- Qualifying exam student solution repository
- Big-Little Buddy Program
- BIOS Student Visit Day(s) Q&A sessions
- Annual UNC BSA Spirit of Service Award
- Pictures at social events to provide to Jeff Oberhaus
- HeelLife account, Gmail account, Facebook page, Discord page (jointly with social chairs), and BSA website (jointly with webmaster)
- BSA bank account
- Potentially match students with advisors post quals
- Assist:
- Treasurer with bank account access, applying for funds to UNC institutions, managing budget, organizing fundraising
- Social chairs with organizing BSA social events
- Liaisons-to-the-chairs in communication and resolution of student concerns
- Communicate with:
- Student body, officers, and BSA advisor
- BIOS Communications to advertise BSA activities in BiosBeat and BiosJobs
- Student services with prospective student recruitment
- STOR department for joint event scheduling and coordination
- Graduate Student Professional Government (GPSG) BIOS senator(s)
- Student Graduate Association (SGA) BIOS representative
- BIOS faculty and administration
- Maintain smooth functioning of BSA operations – filling in any gaps in officer roles